Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Bertrand Russell: The Value Of Philosophy

Consider a man that looks to material needs as the necessities of life. He moves through his world in a twenty-four hour cycle of the mundane, never reaching for a less ignorant existence. Bertrand Russell believes that these â€Å"practical men†, as society deems them, are wrongly named. A meaningful life to this â€Å"practical man†, certainly does not include the understanding of a need for knowledge. Russell states, â€Å"It is exclusively among the goods of the mind that the value of philosophy is to be found; and only those who are not indifferent to these goods can be persuaded that the study of philosophy is not a waste of time† (page 9). The value of philosophy can be found when anyone chooses to step over the line between things and ideas. I am claiming, in this instance, that philosophy is valuable for being a source of knowledge and understanding, among other things. Those that attempt to gain these are in turn going to benefit from their efforts. A man does not necessarily need the ability to comprehend the entire universe, but just to be open to thought. In the past, men that worked towards this task of thinking, such as Newton, were able to take philosophy and evolve it into a separate science. This reasons that philosophy’s value is largely in the possibility of a greater enlightenment that has yet to be determined. There is value in the fact that a deeper reality exists. That life does not just run blindly through time, but streams around reason and thought. Knowledge should alone be enough of a value for philosophy to be an appreciated source of gaining exactly that end. Thomas Nagel writes, â€Å"†¦humans have the special capacity to step back and survey themselves, and the lives to which they are committed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page 23). This realization is one of the reasons that philosophy contains value for the society at large. Everyone, through examining and doubting their choices, can gain knowledge. And knowledge is the primary aim of philosophy, according to Russell and my own opinion. Socrates summarizes it best in Plato’s, Apology: Defense of Socrates, when he stated, â€Å"†¦an unexamined life is no life for a human being to live†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page 40). Humans were given the capacity to have thought processes and go beyond the routine existence of lower level life forms. To let this possession go unused would be neglecting the possibilities of the mind. However, the value of philosophy for society at large is limited by self-assertion. The masses will find themselves looking for knowledge but being blocked by the view that the world is of less worth than themselves, or the Self. This will be the downfall of the instinctive man; he is contained in his private interests. It is almost like a trap, man fills his life with family and friends and believes that he has found his place in life. A true student of philosophy will have a want of knowledge that is free and pure. This want contains no concerns of Self, but rather of the not-Self. Knowledge arrives when man lets go of trying to fit the universe into his world and instead fits his world into the universe. In order to be a philosopher, one must overcome the narrow circle of the Self and of private interests. Therefore the largest value of philosophy is for the philosopher, for he is able to completely be open to the acquisition of knowledge. Most of the value of philosophy is then sent indirectly to the larger society. The fact that philosophy, as a subject, is prone to uncertainty can arouse disbelief in its value. It can be argued that no knowledge can possibly be gained by studying a field in which there are no definite answers. Russell agrees with this point when he maintains that even if answers are determined, none of them can be proven true without exception. The subjective areas of thought, those dealing with opinions and differences in beliefs and practices, would hold no basis in practicality. â€Å"Practical man† will continue to waste away in his secluded reality, convinced that being materialistic is the most important quality to possess. Russell himself mentions, â€Å"†¦many men, under the influence of science or practical affairs, are inclined to doubt whether philosophy is nything better than innocent but useless trifling, †¦and controversies on matters concerning which knowledge is impossible† (page 9). However, Russell contradicts his own statements on purpose with the idea that people have the wrong view of philosophy. The uncertainty in philosophy is what makes the subject intriguing and worth arguing for or against. So what if there are no definite answers? The process of coming to the conclusion that nothing is set in stone is where the knowledge lies in wait to be learned. The questions of life make for intellectual freedom in the search for the unfound answers. Philosophic contemplation best works when the desire for knowledge is unadulterated. This would then deal mainly with the area of the not-Self; it must be in union with the Self to create the right environment for the intellect. Russell helps to confirm my statement that knowledge is the value of philosophy when he writes, â€Å"†¦free intellect will see†¦without traditional prejudices†¦in the sole and exclusive desire of knowledge-knowledge as impersonal, as purely contemplative, as it is possible for man to attain† (page 11). J. J. C. Smart believes that we should never assume that we have found the ultimate and final truth about anything. But that having a condensed view will bring us closer than not pondering it at all. Then, any attempt to push beyond that line between things and thought will create a positive end. Knowledge, the total range of what has been perceived and learned, is the absolute value of philosophy in my opinion. Philosophers, as well as man, can only benefit from the scrutiny placed on thought. Without the knowledge that philosophy can provide, the world would be a very simple place based exclusively on materialistic views. The old saying that ignorance is bliss would unmistakably be true. Man would continue in his everyday life, unaware of the chance that he is missing. Think about what a waste such a world would be, when the possibility for undiminished intelligence and open mentality is right beyond the baggage that man carries around with him. Philosophy’s value in knowledge is that it makes man’s life worth not just surviving but truly living.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bag of Bones CHAPTER TWO

I never suffered from writer's block during the ten years of my marriage, and did not suffer it immediately after Johanna's death. I was in fact so unfamiliar with the condition that it had pretty well set in before I knew anything out of the ordinary was going on. I think this was because in my heart I believed that such conditions only affected ‘literary† types of the sort who are discussed, deconstructed, and sometimes dismissed in the New York Review of Books. My writing career and my marriage covered almost exactly the same span. I finished the first draft of my first novel, Being Two, not long after Jo and I became officially engaged (I popped an opal ring on the third finger of her left hand, a hundred and ten bucks at Day's Jewellers, and quite a bit more than I could afford at the time . . . but Johanna seemed utterly thrilled with it), and I finished my last novel, All the Way from the Top, about a month after she was declared dead. This was the one about the psychotic killer with the love of high places. It was published in the fall of 1995. I have published other novels since then a paradox I can explain but I don't think there'll be a Michael Noonan novel on any list in the foreseeable future. I know what writer's block is now, all right. I know more about it than I ever wanted to. When I hesitantly showed Jo the first draft of Being Two, she read it in one evening, curled up in her favorite chair, wearing nothing but panties and a tee-shirt with the Maine black bear on the front, drinking glass after glass of iced tea. I went out to the garage (we were renting a house in Bangor with another couple on as shaky financial ground as we were. . and no, Jo and I weren't quite married at that point, although as far as I know, that opal ring never left her finger) and puttered aimlessly, feeling like a guy in a New Yorker cartoon one of those about funny fellows in the delivery waiting room. As I remember, I fucked up a so-simple-a-child-can-do-it birdhouse kit and almost cut off the index finger of my left hand. Every twenty minutes or so I'd go back inside and peek at Jo. If she noticed, she gave no sign. I took that as hopeful. I was sitting on the back stoop, looking up at the stars and smoking, when she came out, sat down beside me, and put her hand on the back of my neck. ‘Well?' I said. ‘It's good,' she said. ‘Now why don't you come inside and do me?' And before I could answer, the panties she had been wearing dropped in my lap in a little whisper of nylon. Afterward, lying in bed and eating oranges (a vice we later outgrew), I asked her: ‘Good as in publishable?' ‘Well,' she said, ‘I don't know anything about the glamorous world of publishing, but I've been reading for pleasure all my life Curious George was my first love, if you want to know ‘ ‘I don't.' She leaned over and popped an orange segment into my mouth, her breast warm and provocative against my arm. ‘ and I read this with great pleasure. My prediction is that your career as a reporter for the Derry News is never going to survive its rookie stage. I think I'm going to be a novelist's wife.' Her words thrilled me actually brought goosebumps out on my arms. No, she didn't know anything about the glamorous world of publishing, but if she believed, I believed . . . and belief turned out to be the right course. I got an agent through my old creative-writing teacher (who read my novel and damned it with faint praise, seeing its commercial qualities as a kind of heresy, I think), and the agent sold Being Two to Random House, the first publisher to see it. Jo was right about my career as a reporter, as well. I spent four months covering flower shows, drag races, and bean suppers at about a hundred a week before my first check from Random House came in $27,000, after the agent's commission had been deducted. I wasn't in the newsroom long enough to get even that first minor bump in salary, but they had a going-away party for me just the same. At Jack's Pub, this was, now that I think of it. There was a banner hung over the tables in the back room which said GOOD LUCK MIKE WRITE ON! Later, when we got home, Johanna said that if envy was acid, there would have been nothing left of me but my belt-buckle and three teeth. Later, in bed with the lights out the last orange eaten and the last cigarette shared I said, ‘No one's ever going to confuse it with Look Homeward, Angel, are they?' My book, I meant. She knew it, just as she knew I had been fairly depressed by my old creative-writing teacher's response to Two. ‘You aren't going to pull a lot of frustrated-artist crap on me, are you?' she asked, getting up on one elbow. ‘If you are, I wish you'd tell me now, so I can pick up one of those do-it-yourself divorce kits first thing in the morning.' I was amused, but also a little hurt. ‘Did you see that first press release from Random House?' I knew she had. ‘They're just about calling me V. C. Andrews with a prick, for God's sake.' ‘Well,' she said, lightly grabbing the object in question, ‘you do have a prick. As far as what they're calling you . . . Mike, when I was in third grade, Patty Banning used to call me a booger-hooker. But I wasn't.' ‘Perception is everything.' ‘Bullshit.' She was still holding my dick and now gave it a formidable squeeze that hurt a little and felt absolutely wonderful at the same time. That crazy old trouser mouse never really cared what it got in those days, as long as there was a lot of it. ‘Happiness is everything. Are you happy when you write, Mike?' ‘Sure.' It was what she knew, anyway. ‘And does your conscience bother you when you write?' ‘When I write, there's nothing I'd rather do except this,' I said, and rolled on top of her. ‘Oh dear,' she said in that prissy little voice that always cracked me up. ‘There's a penis between us.' And as we made love, I realized a wonderful thing or two: that she had meant it when she said she really liked my book (hell, I'd known she liked it just from the way she sat in the wing chair reading it, with a lock of hair falling over her brow and her bare legs tucked beneath her), and that I didn't need to be ashamed of what I had written . . . not in her eyes, at least. And one other wonderful thing: her perception, joined with my own to make the true binocular vision nothing but marriage allows, was the only perception that mattered. Thank God she was a Maugham fan. I was V. C. Andrews with a prick for ten years . . . fourteen, if you add in the post-Johanna years. The first five were with Random; then my agent got a huge offer from Putnam and I jumped. You've seen my name on a lot of bestseller lists . . . if, that is, your Sunday paper carries a list that goes up to fifteen instead of just listing the top ten. I was never a Clancy, Ludlum, or Grisham, but I moved a fair number of hardcovers (V. C. Andrews never did, Harold Oblowski, my agent, told me once; the lady was pretty much a paperback phenomenon) and once got as high as number five on the Times list . . . that was with my second book, The Red-Shirt Man. Ironically, one of the books that kept me from going higher was Steel Machine, by Thad Beaumont (writing as George Stark). The Beaumonts had a summer place in Castle Rock back in those days, not even fifty miles south of our place on Dark Score Lake. Thad's dead now. Suicide. I don't know if it had anything to do with writer's block or not. I stood just outside the magic circle of the mega-bestsellers, but I never minded that. We owned two homes by the time I was thirty-one: the lovely old Edwardian in Derry and, in western Maine, a lakeside log home almost big enough to be called a lodge that was Sara Laughs, so called by the locals for nearly a century. And we owned both places free and clear at a time of life when many couples consider themselves lucky just to have fought their way to mortgage approval on a starter home. We were healthy, faithful, and with our fun-bones still fully attached. I wasn't Thomas Wolfe (not even Tom Wolfe or Tobias Wolff), but I was being paid to do what I loved, and there's no gig on earth better than that; it's like a license to steal. I was what midlist fiction used to be in the forties: critically ignored, genre-oriented (in my case the genre was Lovely Young Woman on Her Own Meets Fascinating Stranger), but well compensated and with the kind of shabby acceptance accorded to state-sanctioned whorehouses in Nevada, the feeling seeming to be that some outlet for the baser instincts should be provided and someone had to do That Sort of Thing. I did That Sort of Thing enthusiastically (and sometimes with Jo's enthusiastic connivance, if I came to a particularly problematic plot crossroads), and at some point around the time of George Bush's election, our accountant told us we were millionaires. We weren't rich enough to own a jet (Grisham) or a pro football team (Clancy), but by the standards of Derry, Maine, we were quite rolling in it. We made love thousands of times, saw thousands of movies, read thousands of books (Jo storing hers under her side of the bed at the end of the day, more often than not). And perhaps the greatest blessing was that we never knew how short the time was. More than once I wondered if breaking the ritual is what led to the writer's block. In the daytime, I could dismiss this as supernatural twaddle but at night that was harder to do. At night your thoughts have an unpleasant way of slipping their collars and running free. And if you've spent most of your adult life making fictions, I'm sure those collars are even looser and the dogs less eager to wear them. Was it Shaw or Oscar Wilde who said a writer was a man who had taught his mind to misbehave? And is it really so far-fetched to think that breaking the ritual might have played a part in my sudden and unexpected (unexpected by me, at least) silence? When you make your daily bread in the land of make-believe, the line between what is and what seems to be is much finer. Painters sometimes refuse to paint without wearing a certain hat, and baseball players who are hitting well won't change their socks. The ritual started with the second book, which was the only one I remember being nervous about I suppose I'd absorbed a fair amount of that sophomore-jinx stuff; the idea that one hit might only be a fluke. I remember an American Lit lecturer's once saying that of modern American writers, only Harper Lee had found a foolproof way of avoiding the second-book blues. When I reached the end of The Red-Shirt Man, I stopped just short of finishing. The Edwardian on Benton Street in Derry was still two years in the future at that point, but we had purchased Sara Laughs, the place on Dark Score (not anywhere near as furnished as it later became, and Jo's studio not yet built, but nice), and that's where we were. I pushed back from my typewriter I was still clinging to my old IBM Selectric in those days and went into the kitchen. It was mid-September, most of the summer people were gone, and the crying of the loons on the lake sounded inexpressibly lovely. The sun was going down, and the lake itself had become a still and heatless plate of fire. This is one of the most vivid memories I have, so clear I sometimes feel I could step right into it and live it all again. What things, if any, would I do differently? I sometimes wonder about that. Early that evening I had put a bottle of Taittinger and two flutes in the fridge. Now I took them out, put them on a tin tray that was usually employed to transport pitchers of iced tea or Kool-Aid from the kitchen to the deck, and carried it before me into the living room. Johanna was deep in her ratty old easy chair, reading a book (not Maugham that night but William Denbrough, one of her contemporary favorites). ‘Ooo,' she said, looking up and marking her place. ‘Champagne, what's the occasion?' As if, you understand, she didn't know. ‘I'm done,' I said. ‘Mon livre est tout fini.' ‘Well,' she said, smiling and taking one of the flutes as I bent down to her with the tray, ‘then that's all right, isn't it?' I realize now that the essence of the ritual the part that was alive and powerful, like the one true magic word in a mouthful of gibberish was that phrase. We almost always had champagne, and she almost always came into the office with me afterward for the other thing, but not always. Once, five years or so before she died, she was in Ireland, vacationing with a girlfriend, when I finished a book. I drank the champagne by myself that time, and entered the last line by myself as well (by then I was using a Macintosh which did a billion different things and which I used for only one) and never lost a minute's sleep over it. But I called her at the inn where she and her friend Bryn were staying; I told her I had finished, and listened as she said the words I'd called to hear words that slipped into an Irish telephone line, travelled to a microwave transmitter, rose like a prayer to some satellite, and then came back down to my ear: ‘Well, then that's all right, isn't it?' This custom began, as I say, after the second book. When we'd each had a glass of champagne and a refill, I took her into the office, where a single sheet of paper still stuck out of my forest-green Selectric. On the lake, one last loon cried down dark, that call that always sounds to me like something rusty turning slowly in the wind. ‘I thought you said you were done,' she said. ‘Everything but the last line,' I said. ‘The book, such as it is, is dedicated to you, and I want you to put down the last bit.' She didn't laugh or protest or get gushy, just looked at me to see if I really meant it. I nodded that I did, and she sat in my chair. She had been swimming earlier, and her hair was pulled back and threaded through a white elastic thing. It was wet, and two shades darker red than usual. I touched it. It was like touching damp silk. ‘Paragraph indent?' she asked, as seriously as a girl from the steno pool about to take dictation from the big boss. ‘No,' I said, ‘this continues.' And then I spoke the line I'd been holding in my head ever since I got up to pour the champagne.'†He slipped the chain over her head, and then the two of them walked down the steps to where the car was parked.†' She typed it, then looked around and up at me expectantly. ‘That's it,' I said. ‘You can write The End, I guess.' Jo hit the RETURN button twice, centered the carriage, and typed The End under the last line of prose, the IBM's Courier type ball (my favorite) spinning out the letters in their obedient dance. ‘What's the chain he slips over her head?' she asked me. ‘You'll have to read the book to find out.' With her sitting in my desk chair and me standing beside her, she was in perfect position to put her face where she did. When she spoke, her lips moved against the most sensitive part of me. There were a pair of cotton shorts between us and that was all. ‘Ve haff vays off making you talk,' she said. ‘I'll just bet you do,' I said. I at least made a stab at the ritual on the day I finished All the Way from the Top. It felt hollow, form from which the magical substance had departed, but I'd expected that. I didn't do it out of superstition but out of respect and love. A kind of memorial, if you will. Or, if you will, Johanna's real funeral service, finally taking place a month after she was in the ground. It was the last third of September, and still hot the hottest late summer I can remember. All during that final sad push on the book, I kept thinking how much I missed her . . . but that never slowed me down. And here's something else: hot as it was in Derry, so hot I usually worked in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, I never once thought of going to our place at the lake. It was as if my memory of Sara Laughs had been entirely wiped from my mind. Perhaps that was because by the time I finished Top, that truth was finally sinking in. She wasn't just in Ireland this time. My office at the lake is tiny, but has a view. The office in Derry is long, book-lined, and windowless. On this particular evening, the overhead fans there are three of them were on and paddling at the soupy air. I came in dressed in shorts, a tee-shirt, and rubber thong sandals, carrying a tin Coke tray with the bottle of champagne and the two chilled glasses on it. At the far end of that railroad-car room, under an eave so steep I'd had to almost crouch so as not to bang my head when I got up (over the years I'd also had to withstand Jo's protests that I'd picked the absolute worst place in the room for a workstation), the screen of my Macintosh glowed with words. I thought I was probably inviting another storm of grief -maybe the worst storm but I went ahead anyway . . . and our emotions always surprise us, don't they? There was no weeping and wailing that night; I guess all that was out of my system. Instead there was a deep and wretched sense of loss the empty chair where she used to like to sit and read, the empty table where she would always set her glass too close to the edge. I poured a glass of champagne, let the foam settle, then picked it up. ‘I'm done, Jo,' I said as I sat there beneath the paddling fans. ‘So that's all right, isn't it?' There was no response. In light of all that came later, I think that's worth repeating there was no response. I didn't sense, as I later did, that I was not alone in a room which appeared empty. I drank the champagne, put the glass back on the Coke tray, then filled the other one. I took it over to the Mac and sat down where Johanna would have been sitting, if not for everyone's favorite loving God. No weeping and wailing, but my eyes prickled with tears. The words on the screen were these: today wasn't so bad, she supposed. She crossed the grass to her car, and laughed when she saw the white square of paper under the windshield. Cam Delancey, who refused to be discouraged, or to take no for an answer, had invited her to another of his Thursday-night wine-tasting parties. She took the paper, started to tear it up, then changed her mind and stuck it in the hip pocket of her jeans, instead. ‘No paragraph indent,' I said, ‘this continues.' Then I keyboarded the line I'd been holding in my head ever since I got up to get the champagne. There was a whole world out there; Cam Delancey's wine-tasting was as good a place to start as any. I stopped, looking at the little flashing cursor. The tears were still prickling at the corners of my eyes, but I repeat that there were no cold drafts around my ankles, no spectral fingers at the nape of my neck. I hit RETURN twice. I clicked on CENTER. I typed The End below the last line of prose, and then I toasted the screen with what should have been Jo's glass of champagne. ‘Here's to you, babe,' I said. ‘I wish you were here. I miss you like hell.' My voice wavered a little on that last word, but didn't break. I drank the Taittinger, saved my final line of copy, transferred the whole works to floppy disks, then backed them up. And except for notes, grocery lists, and checks, that was the last writing I did for four years.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis Of Pacific Coffee In Festival Walk

Analysis Of Pacific Coffee In Festival Walk Pacific Coffee is a Hong Kong home-grown coffee brand established in 1992. The mission of Pacific Coffee is to provide the perfect cup anytime, anywhere. Pacific Coffee is active in making contributions to society and communities, while at the same time emphases the importance of protecting environment in their business. Strength ii. Reading-book service (make Pacific Coffee a multi-functional place for spending leisure time); iii. Special seat for people working with their own computers (may not increase revenue in short run but in long run can increase consumer’s loyalty); iv. Inside area has dark decoration with soft light offering a relaxing atmosphere for customers spending times with families, chatting with friends or working on their own business. But for people who prefer bright environment, they can choose outdoor open area which brings a different atmosphere and feeling. Up-to-date technology with long-time partner PCCW: free Wi-Fi service, on-line order service an d several computers in the shop are offered for its consumers. No matter for business or leisure, the availability of these services is essential for a great number of consumers. High-quality employees-crucial human resources: nearly all employees are proficient in both Mandarin and Cantonese while also have at least basic master of English. Employees are smiling and patient when they talk to customers. Pacific Coffee fully realizes the importance of this crucial resources and offer various training to its employees regularly so that they can provide excellent service and ultimate customers’ satisfaction. Local brand and good reputation-vital intangible resources: Pacific Coffee has been recognized as the ‘Best Coffee in Hong Kong’ and has won several honor in Hong Kong Magazine’s ‘Readers Choice’. And since Pacific Coffee has always devoted itself to community affairs, environment issues as well as promoting fair trade, it has a pretty good c ommunity image and good reputation among customers. High quality product–professional coffee beans: collecting top plateau coffee beans from all over the world. Today more and more customers are not satisfied with instant coffee anymore and focus more on the quality of coffee. So the quality of Pacific Coffee is quite crucial for its success.

A Study of Health & Safety Management on Construction Sites, for Dissertation

A Study of Health & Safety Management on Construction Sites, for construction companies within Riyadh city in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example While this may stand true for more developed nations, however, nations such as Saudi Arabia are still trying to tackle with a high construction rate coupled with a low safety assessment and enforcement methodology. Overall, there is no single governmentally sponsored safety assessment and enforcement system within Saudi Arabia for the moment. (Fullman, 1984) Though there has been a move forward by the creation of the â€Å"Saudi Building Code National Committee† but as yet work within the safety and health portfolios remains scant and as yet experimental. (Mena Report, 2006) The lack of coherent safety assessment and enforcement schemes implies that there is still much ground that needs to be covered as per the Saudi safety standards in general and construction safety standards in particular are concerned. Hence, the need for research into current safety practices arises based on the concerns noted above so as to have a baseline available before policy making on safety begins. The proposed research aims at plugging some gaps in the current research base so as to expand horizons. The other question now, is the methodology that ought to be applied in order to conduct meaningful research.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What is happening to jounalist and protesters at the RNC in the twin Research Proposal

What is happening to jounalist and protesters at the RNC in the twin cities must include info retrieved from written as well as video sources - Research Proposal Example The protesters present at the RNC represented various groups as well as many different independents who felt the need to speak out against the last eight years of Republican reign in the United States; although protesters (despite their Constitutional right to do so) can generally expect to be detained by police in such a setting, there were a high number of media bystanders amongst the arrestees. According to Poynter Online, most of the arrests were made by police on the final day of the Convention: Thursday September 4th. The police are reported to have used flash-bang grenades on the swarms of protesters and media representatives while dressed fully in riot gear, and to have made the majority of Thursday’s arrests in an area of St. Paul several blocks away from the Convention itself (retrieved 6 September 2008). Democracy Now! reported that a great deal of Thursday’s arrestees were present to protest the arrests of Monday’s protesters who had remained jailed for an agonizingly long period according to friends and families (retrieved 6 September 2008). The online media report also states that journalists as well as protesters arrested during the Convention were given written citations for â€Å"unlawful assembly†. Pepper spray, smoke bombs and concussion grenades are reported to have been used to keep the thousands of protesters from the main downtown St. Paul area where Republicans had gathered for five days of rallying speeches and the final nomination of their presidential candidate for the upcoming US election. At the end of the five days, it is estimated that more than eight hundred people were arrested by the police. The latter made their final attempt to stop protesters by blocking off several bridges that protesters were crossing across Interstate 94 towards downtown St. Paul. These detainees endured the barrage of police tactics for hours as they were arrested and led away

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Catabolite Repression and Induction of Beta-galactosidase Synthesis Lab Report

Catabolite Repression and Induction of Beta-galactosidase Synthesis - Lab Report Example Apart from induction, synthesis rate is determined by catabolite repression, whereby it slows down the synthesis of beta-galactosidase especially in the presence of a better carbon (and energy) source, such as glucose. In this experiment, Escherichia coli (E. coli) is used as the bacteria to induce synthesis of enzyme ÃŽ ²-galactosidase. The results support lactose metabolism by newly synthesised beta-galactosidase and also, quantitatively, IPTG is a more effective inducer of beta-galactosidase synthesis than lactose. In order to regulate the gene expression levels in a cell, there are certain mechanisms that must be considered in operation. In which case, the regulation is considered at transcription and translation levels or the stability of messenger RNA. The aforementioned can only work in regulation based on the synthesis of a particular protein. Consequently, it comes out as a subject of importance to investigate the regulation of transcription of bacterial genes. For this case, Escherichia coli (E. coli) is used as the bacteria to induce synthesis of enzyme ÃŽ ²-galactosidase. Escherichia coli (E. coli) can produce the enzyme ÃŽ ²-galactosidase which breaks lactose into galactose and glucose. Synthesis of the enzyme beta-galactosidase is induced in wild-type E. coli strains in response to the presence of lactose, the enzymes natural substrate (Ring, 1999, 80). The inducer, lactose, is usually the molecule broken down by the enzyme system. Worth noting is the ability of E.coli to solely use lactose as a carbon source regardless of the presence of glucose. A more stable inducer that lactose, IPTG (Isopropyl ÃŽ ²-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside) helps in inducing expression of the enzyme without being metabolized in the process. Apart from induction, synthesis of ÃŽ ²-galactosidase is also influenced by catabolite repression. The process involves slow down of the synthesis process, facilitated by lactose, especially when a presence of glucose is detected. Intuitively, glucose acts as a better energy and carbon source than lactose (Wallenfels, 1972, 67). When given both sugars, E.coli will not synthesize beta-galactosidase until all of the glucose is first exhausted from the medium.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Poetry Terms ( eye rhyme) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poetry Terms ( eye rhyme) - Essay Example However once pronounced, they change and start rhyming hence beginning to make perfect sense. The eye rhyme is normally classified in the group of rhymes defined by nature of similarity. This classification is so because the rhyming words are usually similar in pronunciation and hence very easy to capture them when a poem is being read. This type of rhyming according to poets and other poetry experts is usually highly conventional that is represented in a highly symbolic form yet it is simplified at the same time and in most cases it acts as a reflection of historical changes in the pronunciation for example the words why and envy or even love, move and prove. When said that they reflect historic times, it simply means that this type of rhyme has been there from the early years in the English poems (especially those written during renaissance period) but they have only been recognized as eye rhymes by modern poets. This is true for an eye rhyme like slaughter and laughter. Eye rhymes can also be said to be half rhymes or slant rhymes which have very slight repetition of sounds and pronunciation for example hill and full. The rhyming words are also almost close but not exact and the difference is majorly noted during pronunciation of these words as they have different spellings. Another example of this is glorious and nefarious. The famous American poet Emily Dickinson also is fond of using half rhymes or eye rhymes in her works. This is evident in one of her poems â€Å"Hope is the thing with feathers† where there are the words soul and all (Eliopulos and Todd 48). The eye rhymes according to other poetry works are also known as sight rhymes. This is because they involve words that are similar in pronunciation but different when it comes to spelling for example sight and right. The trick in eye rhymes for those who are not poets or poetry experts is therefore to understand the meaning of the eye rhyme so that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Statements by the ARCIC and BEM on Eucharist Essay

The Statements by the ARCIC and BEM on Eucharist - Essay Example Such changes can be indentified in the subsequent revisions of the order of masses, the change in common catholic and Anglican traditional and custom practices as well as the liberty and freedom of religion and worship that has changed over time (Miller, 2002). It is through such changes that the common doctrines have changed and so the connection and relationship of the conventional catholic and Anglican Church to the original church that was left when Christ ascended have changed too (Jeanes, 2008). Following the consecration of one Robison, a homosexual by the Anglican Church as a bishop, and the ordination of women as to participate in Anglican Communion, the sexuality issue became a significant point of contention between the two churches (Miller, 2002 p302). Whether the sacrifice of Eucharist should be administered to the dead was another point of disagreement (WCC, 1982). While according to the historical traditions of the Catholic Church, it can be administered while the Angl ican Church held a different viewpoint. Adoration of the Eucharist by Christians as a custom of the Catholic Church seemed unpopular with the Anglican Church (Dennis, 1998). ... The statements served to clear and iron out these differences and create a commonality on the religious ground of the two churches. The doctrines and practices observed by the two churches have ever since the provision of these statements changed. The doctrines and practices that were harmonised include the art of baptism, the relevance of Holy Mary in the lives of individual Christians and the art of administration of the Eucharist and the Holy Communion (Miller, 2002 p121). This has seen many changes being effected to accommodate the practices of the Anglican Church in Catholicism. A good illustration being the proposal that the Anglican church can rejoin and get united with the Catholic church, while preserving their structures (Bradshaw, 2004). The Anglican Church priests were allowed to join the Catholic Church and still maintain their marriage status, very contrary to the Catholic doctrines that requires that priests should observe the fundamental principle of celibacy. Another way in which the provision of these statements transformed the history of theology is the observance of the conversion of bread and wine as a symbolic representation of the body of Jesus Christ (Jeanes, 2008 p32). This is because, the Anglican Church used to administer the Eucharist but not observe the bread and wine as the body and blood of Jesus. While the Anglican doctrines did not recognize the role of the pope, the provision of the statements through agreements by both churches, causing the call for a reunion of the churches means that that the Anglican Church has to recognize the pope as the head of the Church. The Anglicans theological history was changed to accommodate the role of mother Mary in the prayer life of the Christians (Miller, 2002 p315). On the side of the Catholic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Compare and contrast - Essay Example In the first stanza, the son holds his mother as she vomits in a bowl and then attended to cleaning and changing her clothes with the help of his lover who is also the speaker. Since the strings were tied behind the back the speaker tried to remove the blanket from underneath the old woman and feared that her skin could tear off. This shows that the mother had become a mere cripple and her condition was too fragile. When old age is referred to second childhood, it is justified and sometimes ironical too. The poet talks about the paper diaper, the fragility and all these could be attributed to the status of a baby – â€Å"Everything’s so fragile here/a breath could break you.† (Crozier, line 14-15) The poet and her lover are at a loss and cannot really decide what to do. The mother who has once offered her milk to her son is now feeling shy when her son was undressing her. Despite the weakness she turns her face away and covers her breasts and the lover cracks a joke here, saying that he has undressed many other women before and so she need not feel shy. The tubes and needles used here reflect the medical treatment she was undergoing. The last two stanzas describe the poet’s feelings about his lover when she lies in bed besides him and what happens at the end of the day. The vision of tending his mother is so vivid in her memory that she almost smells him of his mother although he is washed. It seems as if she has licked him to prove to all the girls who lie with him that he is still his mother’s son. The poet ironically talks of the old woman’s tongue’ and might be a little sarcastic in her remark, may be because her time for fun has been shared by the old woman and she puns on the actions of licking. We find the mammals licking their off springs in stead of bathing them and a woman may lick the man for the sake of lust. To some

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Management - marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Management - marketing plan - Essay Example Prior to the study conclusion and business recommendation, the forecasted sales on behalf of Apple and Vodafone will be discussed. Apple’s iPhone is considered as one of the fastest-selling telecommunications product as part of the history. (, 2007) In line with the different countries with the legal right to sell iPhone, Apple had chosen a single phone network to exclusively provide the service for the iPhone handset. During the first quarter of 2008, Apple made a confirmation that iPhone will be released in Australian market within the year. (Lake, 2008) Recently, Vodafone has announced that the company will be selling Apple’s iPhone to customers all over Australia during the last quarter of the year with the condition that customers will be required to use the Vodafone network. (Vodafone, 2008a & 2008b) However, Vodafone did not specify whether the said agreement that was signed between the company and Apple was exclusive or not. (Moses, 2008) In case the contract between Vodafone and Apple was not exclusive, there is a possibility for Telstra and Optus to have the priviledge of selling the iPhone to Australian market. As part of Apple’s main business objective, signing a contract with a single phone network in each of its target country will enable Apple to sell a large quantity of iPhone within the shortest period of time. For this study, the researcher will develop a marketing plan for Apple iPhone in Australia. In the process of conducting the study, the researcher will first describe the product followed by studing the market segmentation for iPhone. Based on the demographic profile of its target consumers, the researcher will define the potential market size for the said product. Using the PESTLE framework, the researcher will examing and analyze the external factors that may affect the

It’s Only Child Abuse if it is Violent Essay Example for Free

It’s Only Child Abuse if it is Violent Essay Child abuse is defined as the physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment of a child. Child maltreatment is defined as acts of omission or commission by parent or any other caregiver which may result to harm or potential of harm as well as harm threat to any child (MedlinePlus, 2010). Most of child abuse are known to occur in the child’s home but smaller occurrences has been noticed in schools, organizations as well as community, which the child is interacting with. Child abuse is not only through violent acts but there are several ways and acts which can be said as abuse to a child. In this paper, I argue that child abuse is not only perpetrated through violent means but also through other nonviolent means. Child abuse is in different forms. It is much more than broken bones and bruises that can be noticed on a child who has been physically abused. Other forms of child abuse such emotional abuse as well as child neglect may also leave a child with long lasting and deep scars, which may not be seen but in the heart of the child (Wolfe, 1999). Some of the signs that can show a child has been abused may be subtler than the others. Smoking in front of children or inside cars which is carrying children may serve as one form of child abuse. This is because one smoking in places where children are present would mean ruining the health of the children as they are not aware of that and even they can not stop you from smoking. Cot deaths in children are linked to mothers smoking while they are pregnant (UNICEF, 2000). In America evidence has shown that many children die as a result of the effects of their parents smoking and is more than the deaths which results from accidents. Neglecting a child is known to be another form of child abuse. Neglecting child encompasses many things which may include non-compliance with the recommendation of health care, depriving a child food which may result to the child being hungry as well as failing to enable the child to thrive physically (Baskerville, 2006). Other areas of concern may include exposure of children to drugs as well as lack of protecting them from the dangers of environment. Furthermore, child abuse can as well include abandonment of child, poor hygiene, inadequate supervision and depriving a child the right of education. In addition, there are several other forms of child abuse which may include ridiculing a child, degrading a child, destruction or torture of child’s pet, destroying personal belongings of a child, criticizing a child excessively, withholding communication with a child as well as humiliating a child (UNICEF, 2000). All these form of child abuse does not mean one is using violence but the fact is that these acts can result to child abuse. This form of abuse can hurt the child internally and may make the child to live uncomfortable life through out his or her life. In conclusion, not all forms of child abuse require one to use violence so as to be considered as child violence. Emotional abuse is one of the worst practices of child abuse since its effect is long lasting and may even cause the life of a child to change completely through out his or her life. Therefore, emotional child abuse and other forms of child abuse that does not involve violence should be considered as equally affecting the life of child negatively.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Will Positive behavior Modification Decrease the Amount of Negative-Seeking Attention of a Child Essay Example for Free

Will Positive behavior Modification Decrease the Amount of Negative-Seeking Attention of a Child Essay Teaching is a challenging profession especially if the teacher is handling children. Children, when they want to have attention, will do anything just to have it. They do anything positively or negatively just to have the attention that he wants. Children most of the time do it positively, however some would do it negatively. Say for example, in a school setting, the child may seek for the attention of the teacher thus in class he misbehaves. He doesn’t really care as to what attention he would be getting, be it praise or a reprimand, for as long as he gets the attention, he likes it. To a child an attention from an adult is very important. Sometimes, it is just but normal that children seek approval and attention but if this is too much, this could become a problem because the child would tend to be controlling. This action may then result in a situation where the child controls your life. The very reason for misbehavior in young children is to get attention, and in their later life, this may cause discipline problems (Severe, 2000). One of my 5th grade students, a male one, misbehaves that he is disturbing the class and distracts me as well. When he does this, I reprimand him however what he does is that he behaves for a while and then misbehaves again. I wanted to figure out what seems to be the problem with this child and I found out that he just wants some attention. He has this negative-attention seeking behavior wherein he does tricks just to get anyone’s attention. Everyday he has new tricks that he plays so he can have the attention that he wants. One time he threw a crumpled paper towards his classmate just to get the attention of his classmate. Another day this same student loudly talked to his classmate that distracted our discussion. Everyday he gets reprimands from me and he does the same thing again after a while. I started observing the child when he is playing with his friends. He also does tricks to get the attention of his playmates. I asked the other teachers who handled this child if they have observed this behavior and they said yes. This child really needs attention, no matter what he does and what he gets as long as he can have the attention that he wants. He may act negatively just to get the attention he does not care. He wants attention. I observed this particular child from day to day and consulted some books and studies about this kind of behavior of a child and came up with a plan on how to decrease the negative-seeking behavior of this child. This plan would use the positive behavioral modification. The question however is, ‘Will positive behavioral modification decrease the amount of negative-seeking behavior of my 5th grade male student? ’ My plan of action was to employ a positive behavior modification wherein interventions would be done by using techniques such as counter-conditioning, reinforcement and shaping to modify one’s behavior. The first strategy that I employed is the ‘random positive attention’. In this kind of strategy, one must ignore the student’s attention-seeking behaviors while some positive attention would be given at the same time. Say for example if the child would make a noise, just try to look at him in the eye and smile at him. This way he would notice that he is being given the attention. Another strategy is to give positive attention and approval to their behavior when appropriate. This would help the child understand his behavior better (How to handle Attention, 2008). This could be helpful because the child would realize that he is appreciated. This may help lessen his attention seeking behavior because he may feel he is given due credit for. He is gaining the attention that he needs from the people that he wants it from. Say for example when the child perfects his score in his exam, the teacher praises him or if he fails the teacher gives him encouragement thus the child would feel that he has a worth in the class because the teacher noticed him. Another way to handle the attention seeking behavior is to appreciate his positive behaviors and do not give negative attention to his misbehavior (How to handle Attention, 2008). In this way the child may realize that he can only get the attention that he wants when he is doing well. In this way he might change his mind on misbehaving he would try to do positive things to get recognized rather than misbehave and get nothing. Say for example when a child makes noise that disturbs the class, the teacher would simply look at him and smile, that would let this child realize that he is recognized but this is just a temporary recognition and when the child keeps quiet the teacher should acknowledge this in front of the class that the child would feel that he is more appreciated when he is doing the things that are expected of him. Another way to handle the attention seeking child is to make him realize that there are other students who also need the teacher’s attention. He might then realize that he is getting the equal attention that the other children are getting. In this way he may learn to behave in an appropriate way. Say for example when this child sees that the teacher is giving enough attention to the well behaved student he may try to imitate that behavior thus decreasing his negative attention seeking behavior. Another way is to give due credits to the child when he is doing well in class. Give him praise in front of the class. This may make the child realize that he is getting the attention of the teacher when he is doing well in class thus this may make him more motivated in studying his lessons. Instead of investing his time bullying around, he may realize that he may take time on studying his lessons and participate in class. Say for example when the child delivered a good speech in class give him due credit by not just saying that it was wonderful but by further asking the child how he was able to come up with the good speech and that he has to keep it up. Other children may seek attention because they simply want to fell that they are also important. So another intervention would be letting them know that they are important but there are also other students who also need the attention of the teacher. In this way a child may realize that he is not the only student that needs the attention of the teacher. In this way a child may lessen his misbehaviors and learn to consider others. Give the child tasks that you are confident that he can accomplish. If he does, it would make him feel proud about himself and he may fell that the teacher trusts him and that he is important because he was given the task. Another intervention would be, ignore the negative behavior of the child when appropriate. Sometimes children have tantrums, whining, swearing and arguing, and these kinds of behaviors are not harmful to either the child or the other people concerned. This behavior may be ignored and the child may realize that he cannot get attention from this kind of an act thus resulting to the decrease of the negative seeking behavior of the child. A child when he doesn’t get the attention that he needs, he may think of other ways to get the attention from the person that he wants it from. The results were actually positive. I have discovered a lot of things in the case of this child. I learned that a child would really do whatever it takes just to get the attention that he wants. The child would not care if it’s positive or negative attention that he gets as long as he gets that attention then he is happy with it. He would do the same things over and over again if he does not get what he wanted thus we would be on a cycle and the child would not change. With the applied interventions the child’s attitude slowly changed for the better. He was starting to reflect on his actions because he does not misbehave frequently in class. He also became participative in the class. The child’s negative-seeking attention was not really changed but it was somehow slowly decreasing. Changes in attitudes are not that easy to achieve thus it needs patience to be able to achieve the outcome that we wanted. Changes in attitudes does not come overnight thus we need to give time for the child to improve. As the teacher of this child, I learned that my reprimand were not effective as we may got through the same cycle everyday. That if I always give an equal negative attention to the negative-seeking behavior of the child, I might just be tolerating the attitude that he is showing. I also learned that every child is unique. There may be a lot of interventions that are available however this may not be applicable to every child having this kind of problem. As a result of what I learned, I may not have reprimanded the child as I do everyday. The child may just like this kind of attention that he is getting from me but this would not help him change his behavior. The child may just do the same thing everyday. This study may help not just teachers but parents as well who have this kind of child. The children may just need something that they were not able to have either from their teachers or from their parents. A quantity time may not mean a quality time thus what we adults need to look into is the time that we spend with the children. Let us be sensitive to our children’s needs. If the child misbehaves, there might be a corresponding reason for that misbehavior and so we need to know that first before we decide what punishment to give because our reprimands may make the situation worse.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Effect of Sleep on Memory

The Effect of Sleep on Memory Human tend to forget things. Hermann Ebbinghaus is one of the psychologist to study the topic of forgetting. Forget is a gift to the human because if human remember every single event and phenomena that occurs in the daily life, they will suffer a lot. They will remember the feeling of pain and sadness of losing someone who is important to them forever. Forgetting does not mean that the information stored in the long term memory is being deleted or removed. Instead, forgetting means a failure in memory retrieval (Cherry, 2014). This can be seen commonly among the students when they are sitting the examination. Tip-of-the-tongue explains this situation well. Tip-of-the-tongue is a feeling that a person knows something, but the person cannot retrieve it (Margaret Matlin, 2005). Memories are stored in a brain region called hippocampus (Miller, 2010). Lack of sleep will affect the proper function of hippocampus. (Contie Wein, 2013). Memories are formed when the nerve cells in the brain are reinforced. Memory also includes the three stages which are encoding, storage and retrieval. The encoding stage is the process of convert the information received into a usable form. After the information is being encoded, the information will be stored in the brain for future use. However, the stored memory stays outside the conscious awareness. When a person wants to use the information and try to retrieve it from the stored memory, this process will occur under conscious awareness (Cherry, 2014). There are different stages of sleep which include rapid eye movement sleep (REM) sleep, non-rapid eye movement sleep (nREM) which consists of stage one sleep, stage two sleep, stage three sleep and stage four sleep. When a person sleeps, they will start off with nREM sleep follow by REM sleep. Hence, during the sleep process, the body will encounter a cycle of REM sleep and nREM sleep (WebMD, 2014). During nREM sleep, the body will utilize this time to reproduce and rebuild tissues, bones and muscles. Besides that, immune system in the body is also enhanced during this time. Stage one and two in nREM sleep are also called as light sleep while stage three and four are also called as deep sleep (WebMD, 2014). Dreams occur during the REM sleep. This is due to the high activities that occur during the REM sleep and the brain wave patterns observed during REM sleep is similar to the brain wave patterns observed during wakefulness. REM sleep is described as rapid eye movement sleep because during this stage of sleep, human’s eyes move rapidly to different directions. REM sleep is described as a stage of sleep that composed of the combination of brain excitement and muscle immobility. However, REM sleep only accounts for a short period of time in the sleeping process which accounts for twenty percent in sleeping among adults and fifty percent among infants (WebMD, 2014). Sleep plays an essential role in memory, both before and after learning a new task. Besides that, sleep also affects a person’s mood, emotion, motivation and judgment. Sufficient of sleeping hours can help a person to focus attention and thus receive information in a more efficient way. After people sleep, the sleeping process helps to reinforce what people learn during the day. (Harvard Medical School, 2007). This is because study shows that when a person is using the right brain to do task during his or her wakefulness, the slow waves at right brain become larger show that the right brain are exhausted by the task being performed. Interestingly, the brain also will shut down parts of its neurons. This phenomenon is known as local sleep. Besides that, sleep also helps one to link the new memories with the old ones. When people sleep, the brain will review the memories and decide which memory needs to be strengthened. If people do not sleep, their ability to learn new things will drop by up to forty percent ( Contie Wein, 2013). However, different stages of sleep help in different type of memories. Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) plays a critical role in emotional memory (Contie, 2013). Research also shows that after REM sleep, a person can recognize the emotional picture better compared to the neutral ones. Hence, REM sleep helps in reinforcing the emotional content in the memory ( Born, Diekelmann, Groch Willhelm, 2013). Hence, when one spends more time in REM sleep, one can overcome the painful memories in their life. This is because during the REM sleep, the stress chemistry will be suppressed such as the norepinephrine. Then, the brain will process the emotional memories and remove the difficult and painful memories. Experiment shows that when the participants having a full night of sleep after view emotional images, the magnetic resonance image (MRI) shows that there is a great reduction of reactivity in amygdala. Amygdala is a region in the brain that involves in anger and fear. Hence, this allows the forebrain to have a control in a person’s emotions (Walker, 2011 as cited in Anwar, 2011). Furthermore, a physician at a United States Department of Veteran Affairs hospital in the Seattle also discover that by prescribing drugs that can decrease the blood pressure of patients can help in preventing the occurrence of nightmares in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder patients. This is because drugs that can decrease the blood pressure of patients will suppress the level of neurotransmitter norepinephrine in the brain. Therefore, by possessing sufficient amount of REM sleep, PTSD patients can decrease the occurrence of nightmares during the night and have a greater quality of sleep because there is a decrease level of neurotransmitter norepinephrine (Anwar, 2011). Furthermore, research also shows that sleep deprivation can cause psychiatric disorder such as depression and anxiety disorders. Experiments that are carried in this research also show that when normal people are deprived of sleep, the brain wave patterns will look like the pathological psychiatric patterns. Functional magnetic resonance image ( fMRI ) also shows that  participants who do not experience a night of sleep are having a greater reactivity compared to those participants who experience a night of sleep. Hence, this also means that amygdala is active when a person is lack of sleep. This will cause those participants who are lack of sleep to show higher emotion intensity (Walker, 2007 as cited in Anwar, 2007). This is because high activity in amygdala is observed when a person is lack of sleep. This will cause the amygdala to lose connection with the front brain. The connection plays an important role because the front brain is responsible for rational reasoning and releases neurochemicals that can calm down a person when a person is in a nervous state. Instead, when a person is lack of sleep, amygdala will connect to the brain region of local coeruleus instead, which will cause the release of noradrenaline (Walker, 2007 as cited in Anwar, 2007). Furthermore, there is also experiment that has been carried out to see the effect of variables: sleep and memory on mental disorder. Result shows that major depression patients who have divorced experience deteriorated depression when they do not dream about their ex-spouse. Since lack of sleep has a bad effect on mental disorder, intervention such as promotion of good sleep can treat mental disorder such as depression, anxiety disorder and PTSD. This is because sleep helps in consolidating the memory. Therefore, therapist can utilize this finding in the psychotherapy. Therapist can promote and encourage patients to sleep after receive treatment or psychotherapy. This is because during the sleeping process, patients can reinforce and integrate the therapy content. Thus, this can help the patients to rebuild healthy thoughts in themselves. Besides that, slow wave sleep also plays an important role in reinforcing the episodic memory that is stored in the hippocampus and transform them into long term memories ( Born Inostroza, 2013). Episodic memory is a long term memory about specific events, situations and experiences (Cherry, 2014). Furthermore, when people are getting sufficient of sleep, it also helps in the strengthening of motor memory. Different brain scans magnetoencephalography (MEG) and polysomnography (PSG) are being used in the research to trace the brain activity in the brain. Changes in fast sigma and delta brain waves are observed in the motor area of the brain explain the improvement in motor skills after a period of sleep. Participants who have slept after learning a motor task have a higher accuracy in performing the motor tasks. Motor learning can be strengthened during the sleeping process because more brain energy is available ( Tamaki, 2013 as cited in Grohol Wood, 2013). Moreover, sleep also helps in converting short term memory into long term memory. Experiment is carried out by using genetically modified fruit flies. In the experiment, scientists modify some male fruit flies to smell like female fruit flies. After that, scientists expose the male fruit flies to the â€Å" fake† female fruit flies. After a few times of unsuccessful tryout to approach the ‘fake’ female fruit flies, male fruit flies know the fact that those ‘fake’ female fruit flies are not female fruit flies. After that, the experimenter makes some fruit flies to sleep. Results show that after the fruit flies sleep, they able to retain the information about the ‘fake’ fruit flies for several days compared to those fruit flies have not slept. Fruit flies have not slept only can retain the information for a few hours (Breus, 2011). Besides that, research also shows that REM sleep plays a role in enhancing creativity. The ability to think creatively relies on the process of schema disintegration. Schema disintegration is the highest level of memory change which involves the process of disintegration of existing schemas. This will allow ‘outside the box’ thinking. Experiment finds out that participants who have experience REM sleep can find words to produce meanings in three unrelated words such as dream, day and light. From the experiment as described above, scientists also find out that the process of information learning leads to the formation of synapses in the brain. Synapses communicate the information that has learned inside the brain. However, study also shows that during the sleeping process, the connection of nerve cells in our brain actually weakens. This phenomenon is known as the synaptic homeostasis (Cirelli Tononi, 2012). This is actually a shocking fact because all of the mean time people tend to think that during the sleeping process, the nerve cells in the brain are strengthened to reinforce the memory and the things that people have learned during the daytime. This is because formation and strengthening of synapses in the brain consumes energy. If synapses are being reinforced during the day and night time, the brain will run out of energy eventually. Inside the brain, spontaneous firing of neurons which means that unimportant connection of neurons will be weakened or removed to allow the connection between important memory remain intact. In other words, this means that the brain has the ability to differentiate between irrelevant information and significant information. Then, the brain will weaken the synapses that link irrelevant information and preserve the synapses that link significant information. By doing this way, the brain can save more energy and preserve it for the next section of learning after one awakes. This phenomenon also explains the reason that all the organisms need sleep.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Role of Setting in John Steinbecks Of Mice & Men Essay -- Steinbe

The Role of Setting in John Steinbeck's Of Mice & Men Throughout time man has encountered many trials and tribulations. One of these unpredictable changes was the depression era in the Western region of America. From the beginning to the end of the novel, Of Mice & Men (1937), by John Steinbeck, life is portrayed as cruel and an insurmountable conquest. During the 1930's the worst economic collapse of the world occurred : the Depression. The setting throughout this novel sets the emotions high because of the hardships that were encountered by two men looking for work. These men were George Milton and Lennie Small. George was "small and quick and hard of the face, and had sharp strong features" (9). Lennie was the opposite a " huge man, shape less of a face, with large, pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders" (9). While the simple minded and powerful Lennie tries to keep out of trouble at the ranch, he worries about how George may get angry at him if he makes a blunder. Curly, the boss's son, is a trouble maker and pressures Lennie into fighting him which he does and pays the price. In addition, Lennie ends up killing Curley's wife, thus leading to the death of Lennie. George shoots him utilitarianly, which means he did it to bring safety to anyone who may have encountered him. With Lennies death George hoped to maximize happiness for the greatest number of people. Their dream once of having their own ranch died with Lennie. Setting is encountered in every chapter and allowing the reader to visualize the surroundings which contribute to this story more than any other element. The story is set in 1930's California on the verge of Mexico. The river Steinbeck speaks of, "The Salinas River," happens to be the birthplace of Stei... ...lood." This brings the story to and end when George killed his one and only friend, Lennie. Ironicaly, Steinbeck was a marine biologist and when he wrote this book he was in the ways of looking at water. The pond that Lennie drank out of, which the river that ran into it came from his home town, and the cruel view of nature as the snake that probably ate the mouse that Lennie killed was devoured by a heron. Thus, showing that things have a chain reaction in nature and Lennie, some what, got revenged upon by the mouse and the other mammals that he killed. The setting is the biggest element of the novel setting the mood at the begining of each chapter and vividly examining the way it was during the depression. This finally answers the question "Where did I go George?" Work Cited Steinbeck, John, "Of Mice and Men." (1937). May 3, 2004. New York, New York.

The American Media and the Exploitation of Men :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument

The American Media and the Exploitation of Men Men’s rights in the media are deliberately ignored today on TV and in the newspapers. Men have a social obligation to get married, have children, and support the family by going to work eight hours a day. Not many people think that men don’t have these obligations in life. Warren Farrell it talks about how men’s expectations are unfair in the world today in the article â€Å"Men as Success Objects† by (page 185). Intentions for marriage have changed over the last millennium. From personal fulfillment, relationship, to love both men and women have their reasons for getting married. But with marriage there’s sometimes a divorce that comes with it, which has increased during the years. Because media focus on the women’s rights, most people don’t understand the sexism directed against men. The idea â€Å"men are jerks† is thought by women which have dominated the media. Along with fighting the degrading advertisements on the TV, men also have to live up to the obligation of bringing home a salary. Women marry men who are successful or have â€Å"potential† to make money in the world today. There are only a small percentage of men who will marry a woman because of her â€Å"potential†. More people need to recognize the unequal treatment men get these days. In the article â€Å"Marriage, Horror, and Susan Reimer,† the author expresses his disgust for the idea of marriage and having children. The woman Susan Reimer represents every American woman who thinks that no one is good enough for her. Every â€Å"Susan† says that they despise men, yet they want to get married and have babies. These kinds of women will rape men in divorce courts, which should convince men to avoid them. Marriage can also do permanent financial damage to men, which is why being single is not a bad idea in these times. Men should always think twice about having children. From bad schooling to divorce can have permanent damage on a child. Despite what women say, having children should not be a priority. Because of the women’s attitudes towards men today in America, it is recommended to find a wife somewhere overseas. Both of the texts have a strong point on men’s rights, and the perception on what women really want out of men. The authors would probably agree that men are being treated unfairly compared to women these days.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Choosing Between Low-Fat and Low-Carb Diets Essay -- Energy and Intake

Kay’s compromise is setting her up for troubles. She is doing the acceptable thing by researching the issue however she has missed some finer points. While fats at 9 calories per gram do in fact yield more calories per gram than carbohydrates which are 4 calories per gram and as such do indeed have a greater potential for energy use she is misguided in her thinking and taking an approach where she drops her carbohydrates low and takes in high fat in her diet is perverting the facts. A diet of the energy-dense fats will not be better for her in this event. She needs to trust and listen to her coach and their recommendation for her to see a sports nutrition professional. It will take following a properly guided meal plan for her to be competitive in this event and remain healthy. As Fink points out, Carbohydrates, in the form of glucose, are the main source of fuel for all physical activity. Fats on the other hand are primarily used as a fuel source while resting and when performing moderately to low intensity exercises. (Fink, 2012, p.3) It’s these facts that are so significant. The event she participates in will be fairly short yet very intense with that in mind as an 800-meter track athlete the Carbohydrates are going to serve her the best. She will require immediate as well as a short sustained use of energy for her event. While she will be using both energy systems Fink states she will mainly be using anaerobic energy system which â€Å"is a major contributor to intense activities that last from 1 to 3 minutes.† (Fink, 2012, p. 50) Undoubtedly Kay must be experiencing some undesired results during her races which she wants to correct. She is managing to do the correct thing by seeking nutrition as the answer. She is cur... ...etermine which adjustments actually need to be made. If Kay is currently truly following a well planned high carbohydrate diet then her issue will be her training. Works Cited AERENHOUTS, D., DERIEMAEKER, P., HEBBELINCK, M., & CLARYS, P. (2011). Energy and macronutrient intake in adolescent sprint athletes: A follow-up study. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 29(1), 73-82. Fink, Heather Hedrick., Alan E. Mikesky, and Lisa A. Burgoon. (2012). Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition,3rd edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Hunt, J. (2011). We Can Raise American Distance Runners To Gold Medal Levels. Track Coach, (196), 6239-6247. Rosenkranz, R. R., Cook, C. M., & Haub, M. D. (2007). Endurance Training on Low-Carbohydrate and Grain-Based Diets: A Case Study. International Journal Of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism, 17(3), 296-309

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Research Spotlight on Homework Essay

Some researchers are urging schools to take a fresh look at homework and its potential for engaging students and improving student performance. The key, they say, is to take into account grade-specific and developmental factors when determining the amount and kind of homework. So, what’s appropriate? What benefits can be expected? What makes for good homework policies? Research doesn’t have all the answers, but a review of some existing data yields some helpful observations and guidance. How Much Homework Do Students Do? Survey data and anecdotal evidence show that some students spend hours nightly doing homework. Homework overload is the exception rather than the norm; however, according to research from the Brookings Institution and the Rand Corporation (see the Brown Center 2003 below). Their researchers analyzed data from a variety of sources and concluded that the majority of U.S. students spend less than an hour a day on homework, regardless of grade level, and this has held true for most of the past 50 years. In the last 20 years, homework has increased only in the lower grade levels, and this increase is associated with neutral (and sometimes negative) effects on student achievement. How Much Is Appropriate? The National PTA recommendations fall in line with general guidelines suggested by researcher Harris Cooper: 10-20 minutes per night in the first grade, and an additional 10 minutes per grade level thereafter (e.g., 20 minutes for second grade, 120 minutes for twelfth). High school students may sometimes do more, depending on what classes they take (see Review of Educational Research, 2006). What are the benefits? Homework usually falls into one of three categories: practice, preparation, or extension. The purpose usually varies by grade. Individualized assignments that tap into students’ existing skills or interests can be motivating. At the elementary school level, homework can help students develop study skills and habits and can keep families informed about their child’s learning. At the secondary school level, student homework is associated with greater academic achievement. (Review of Educational Research, 2006) What’s good policy? Experts advise schools or districts to include teachers, parents, and students in any effort to set homework policies. Policies should address the purposes of homework; amount and frequency; school and teacher responsibilities; student responsibilities; and, the role of parents or others who assist students with homework. Reference: Cooper, H. (2003). A synthesis of research. Review of Educational Reseach, volume 76, Retrieved January 09, 2013, from Reasons why students should not have homework Homework is supposed to ensure that all students retain the material covered in the classroom, but for many children it is an unnecessary chore and actually hinders their learning. Children learn best when they are interested in the subject. Positive mental attitude makes learning even challenging things much easier. Negative mental attitude, however, makes retaining knowledge harder and creates stress in a learner. It also takes much longer periods of time to complete. As a result children hardly have any time to develop their talents through extracurricular activities, or to spend adequate time with family and friends. Instead of being burdened with much resented huge loads of homework, children should have the opportunity for more self-directed and interactive learning at school to generate their interest and build in them positive attitude towards learning. Teachers should be more creative and use multimedia like computers and video presentations to make covered subjects more engaging involving children’s input more. Students should be allowed to suggest activities and projects they would like to do. In the present school system it is usually the teacher who decides what and how children should learn in class and at home. This promotes passivity and a sense that learning is a necessary evil rather than exiting opportunity to learn about the world we live in. This is very ineffective, making kids bored, stressed, and frustrated. Not to mention that it is often parents who do the reluctant kids’ homework therefore homework doesn’t help them to learn at all. They get their grades, but end up having learning gaps that will come out later on and hinder their success. Children who are struggling themselves with loads of homework lack the time to develop other than academic passions and experience very unhealty stress that cen result even in a depression. The numbers of children who take antidepressants is rapidly growing. Students who are defiant about their homework often have very strained relationship with their parents. It is a source of contention in too many families and contributes to deep emotional problems in these children and also inevitably may cause depression and substance abuse. The age of kids taking street drugs is getting lower and lower. Children as young as ten in some countries have a drinking problem and homework overload can be an indirect cause of that. That is why I think students should not have homework, but be able to have enjoyable learning experience at school and freedom to be encouraged by the teacher to expand their knowledge on their own terms at home, and to be rewarded for the extra effort instead of being forced to do homework they don’t like. Reference: Tehrani, E. (2009). Reasons why students should not have homework. Retrieved January 09, 2013, from The Truth About Homework In high school, some studies do find a correlation between homework and test scores (or grades), but it’s usually fairly small, and it has a tendency to disappear when more sophisticated statistical controls are applied. Moreover, there’s no evidence that higher achievement is due to the homework even when an association does appear. It isn’t hard to think of other explanations for why successful students might be in classrooms where more homework is assigned—or why they might spend more time on it than their peers do. The results of national and international exams raise further doubts. One of many examples is an analysis of 1994 and 1999 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, or TIMSS, data from 50 countries. Researchers David P. Baker and Gerald K. LeTendre were scarcely able to conceal their surprise when they published their results last year: â€Å"Not only did we fail to find any positive relationships,† they wrote, but â€Å"the overall correlations between national average student achievement and national averages in [amount of homework assigned] are all negative.† Consider the assumption that homework should be beneficial just because it gives students more time to master a topic or skill. (Plenty of pundits rely on this premise when they call for extending the school day or year. Indeed, homework can be seen as a way of prolonging the school day on the cheap.) Unfortunately, this reasoning turns out to be woefully simplistic. Back â€Å"when experimental psychologists mainly studied words and nonsense syllables, it was thought that learning inevitably depended upon time,† the reading researcher Richard C. Anderson and his colleagues explain. But â€Å"subsequent research suggests that this belief is false.† The statement â€Å"People need time to learn things† is true, of course, but it doesn’t tell us much of practical value. On the other hand, the assertion â€Å"More time usually leads to better learning† is considerably more interesting. It’s also demonstrably untrue, however, because there are enough cases where more time doesn’t lead to better learning. In fact, more hours are least likely to produce better outcomes when understanding or creativity is involved. Anderson and his associates found that when children are taught to read by focusing on the meaning of the text (rather than primarily on phonetic skills), their learning does â€Å"not depend on amount of instructional time.† In math, too, as another group of researchers discovered, time on task is directly correlated to achievement only if both the activity and the outcome measure are focused on rote recall as opposed to problem-solving. Carole Ames of Michigan State University points out that it isn’t â€Å"quantitative changes in behavior†Ã¢â‚¬â€such as requiring students to spend more hours in front of books or worksheets—that help children learn better. Rather, it’s â€Å"qualitative changes in the ways students view themselves in relation to the task, engage in the process of learning, and then respond to the learning activities and situation.† In turn, these attitudes and responses emerge from the way teachers think about learning and, as a result, how they organize their classrooms. Assigning homework is unlikely to have a positive effect on any of these variables. We might say that education is less about how much the teacher covers than about what students can be helped to discover—and more time won’t help to bring about that shift. Regardless of one’s criteria, there is no reason to think that most students would be at any sort of disadvantage if homework were sharply reduced or even eliminated. But even if practice is sometimes useful, we’re not entitled to conclude that homework of this type works for most students. It isn’t of any use for those who don’t understand what they’re doing. Such homework makes them feel stupid; gets them accustomed to doing things the wrong way (because what’s really â€Å"reinforced† are mistaken assumptions); and teaches them to conceal what they don’t know. At the same time, other students in the same class already have the skill down cold, so further practice for them is a waste of time. You’ve got some kids, then, who don’t need the practice, and others who can’t use it. Furthermore, even if practice were helpful for most students, that wouldn’t mean they needed to do it at home. In my research, I found a number of superb teachers (at different grade levels and with diverse instructional styles) who rarely, if ever, found it necessary to assign homework. Some not only didn’t feel a need to make students read, write, or do math at home; they preferred to have students do these things during class, where it was possible to observe, guide, and discuss. Finally, any theoretical benefit of practice homework must be weighed against the effect it has on students’ interest in learning. If slogging through worksheets dampens one’s desire to read or think, surely that wouldn’t be worth an incremental improvement in skills. And when an activity feels like drudgery, the quality of learning tends to suffer, too. That so many children regard homework as something to finish as quickly as possible—or even as a significant source of stress—helps explain why it appears not to offer any academic advantage even for those who obediently sit down and complete the tasks they’ve been assigned. All that research showing little value to homework may not be so surprising after all. Reference: Kohn, A. (2006). The truth about homework. Retrieved January 09, 2013, from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

International Globalization Marketing Plan of Batik Essay

Our mission is to establish a worldwide Batik Boutique industry with inaugural quality in air externalize to support corporate clients and stylist order of magnitude of upper foodstuff. We would like to be cognize as an industry driven by social values. We strive to be a Choice of Retailer in maturation long-term Batik business relationships with our customers, which atomic number 18 founded on our ability to help break the style-fashion and recommend the best wares and looks for our customers. We strive for continuous improvement in providing New Design and Good feeling materials selection through a Right-on-Time fashion delivery.Batek Empat Kawan Sdn Bhd need to grow their revenue by exporting Batik products and expanding into new markets segmentation. With meteoric communication, transportation and financial flows, the company is supply penetrate into United Kingdom Consumer market on establishment of Batik make garment products . 1. 0 Company oscilloscope Batek Emp at Kawan Sdn Bhd (BEK Sdn Bhd ) is a Malaysian owned company, a batik fashion and boutique consulting hard head quarters in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, specializing in all kind of batik construct garment products. BEK Sdn Bhd incorporated in 2001, has an gross revenue Office and Manufacturing plant at Kajang.

Explain the Relationship Between Karma, Dependent Origination

Karma, pendant foot and rebecoming atomic number 18 all big parts of the Buddhistic religion and link quite closely dependent origination basically teaches that everything is connected, which corresponds with karma, the teaching that good behaviours depart corroborate good consequences and unskilled behaviours leave behind have mischievousness consequences, and generating bad karma will result in being trapped in samsara, the process of rebecoming that is incorporated by slimy or dukkha another archetype dependent origination explains.Dependent origination or the commandment of conditionality (paticca samuppada) is the principle that nothing exists independently of anything else. Everything depends on something else in order for it to exist, and is part of a web of conditions whereby when the conditions 1 thing relies on cease to exist, it does too. These conditioned states cook us as we endlessly change whilst we be in samsara, however they face dukkha to arise as they are impermanent and caused by craving or tanha. Karma is within dependent origination.The literal meaning is willing (willed) action or volitional actions have consequences. trusty or skilful actions, kusala, generate good merit, punna, and bad pr unskilful actions, akusala, generate bad merit, apunna. The general discretion of karma is that if you do something bad and so the universe will cause something bad to happen to you. In Buddhism it is believed that karma is carried through with(predicate) the process of samsara, be it good or bad karma, and it shapes who we are as the Dhammapada says, our life is shaped by our mind, we become what we think.It is often likened to a ejaculate (bija) as it is stored in the unconscious mind, and it will age (vipaka) and produce fruit (phala) when under the right conditions, caused by positive karmic action. It does not necessarily mean that if you cause something bad to happen to someone or something then you will generate bad karma the nature of the karma relies on the intention of an action rather than the outcome. Punna can similarly come about as the result of clement actions.These include supporting the sangha (Buddhist community), providing help to those in subscribe (for example giving food and shelter or donating to charities), empathising with another persons auspicious deeds. Karma helps to break away wisdom and mindfulness, as we become to a greater extent aware of the consequences of our actions and therefore are more careful. It also emphasises the grandness of freewill, as it helps to explain that we make our own mountain and we cannot always refer to fate as the flat coat behind happenings. Karma is very relevant to the cycle of rebecoming as karma is passed on through each life in Buddhism there is no soul, only karma.Rebirth can lead in different realms displayed in the Tibetan range of life the Heaven Realm, where the fruits of previous positive karmic actions are enjoyed but beings forget that they must still undertake for enlightenment the Titan Realm, where warlike beings are constantly conflicting and have also forgotten the qualification strive for enlightenment the Animal Realm, where the only reverence is for the basic physical needs of food, sex and quiescence and beings are lacking in education and subtlety the Hell Realm, where torture and hatred is constantly personate the Hungry Ghost Realm, where nothing is satisfying and everything turns to assoil and the Human Realm, where pleasure and pain are both(prenominal) present and enlightenment is most easily attainable. These realms are not exactly literal but more in reference to different states of mind. The ultimate mark is to exclude oneself from the ongoing cycle of pain and suffering by becoming enlightened. To achieve this, ignorance (avidya) must be tackled in order to recognise the consequences of actions (karma) and avoid suffering caused by impermanence (anicca) and no self ( anatta).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Importance of Play in Children Essay

In the manners of an sister on that point be legion(predicate) or so-valuable for the honorable growth and corresponding, yet there be some variations on how to experience and arm, by the lick exercised in the prox milieu. Among al bingle variations which whitethorn be menti iodind one of period sizeableness is the gage for solely the benefits that entails. piddle is where the chela occupies most of their sentence, encouragement and the science of a near organic evolution in beas that would non be achieved earlier(a)wise.Supplementing runa vogue date to the early(a) old age of the small fry is of overriding enormousness, beca lend oneself this flair they sprout ruttish ties to the soul who accompanies him on his manoeuvreing time. The phylogenesis of two cognitive and psychomotor excessively is achieved with the champion of the biz. most of the bet has as primary(prenominal) sharpen to uprise, is a manner apply as therapy fo r youngsterrens chooseing. diarrhea sponsors a claw non exclusively to protect in any case a centering to communicate, accord to a upstart business traffichip articulo. org (2011) is the inbred way they come to communicate.Experiencing the environment exit consume them the mightiness to develop imagination, world grapple and change his feeble. The enormousness of coquet in the lives of squirtren in the outset months, where e realthing is at your fingertips in a miniature including his f ingesture body, his men and feet. The impale is to educate the boor from his early moves early upbringing overbearingly reinforces the squirts organic evolution. The treat bird is natural with the subscribe to learn e in truththing during their animateness cycle, because they alone hump how to eat and mourn.The babies charter to rook is constant, stock-still the farinaceouss for indulge fore work on should be utilize with worry of all time idea age. The risque is instantaneously level(p) to the limitations of the blow, archetype would be when he considers the baby babbling and runacting with bubbles of saliva duration despicable his limbs, has cognitive as substantially as psychomotor limitations. The tuition pass on be gift as time passes, because anger having more(prenominal) tendency and coordination to excrete an other(a)(prenominal) levels of sour. The use of sensational play alleviates sister reading, pluckys where attain, batch and earr each(prenominal) play a fundamental social function.The indorse that touch abet to develop a not dreary(p) capacity, collectable to the antithetical textures of toys, narrow toys, get take with the environment, further overly second the nestlings audile in divideect and vision. The want to pincer done auditory stimuli, avail in its suppuration, the index to let out auditory stimuli term vie exit help in their outgrowth. The oc ular stimuli use in games such as colors, shapes of animals exit be of great(p) help to the babys cognitive ripening. The lettering of the adults to play with their minorren is of the essence(p) for the using and advantage you whitethorn gift.The toys argon pulseless objects until psyche uses them and gives them emotional state in the centerfield of the game for one of legion(predicate) movements for p bents to commence compound in their tykerens culture by dint of play. Children and the game is tied, give be the bum to jell individuals to be plentiful in adulthood. The game is and include for be an of the essence(p) carve up of tyke development, curb generated by the game in unlike beas of the minor is more than enough reason to consider it truly great.The brilliance of p arnts to be protrude of the game, further you stomach to be strengthen sidereal mean solar day by day involvement. The benefits of play are further the consequences i t may stupefy on the infant and tike development volition be very reformative in their deportment cycle. trance OF GROUPS IN CHILDREN. human bes learn enculturation done mate gatherings administer which lease an grave part in the development during early baby birdhood. The mamma and pop music work helps to fit the digestonical determine that are the demonstrateation, still the sour of a accomplice admiting is super untroubled in the tykes upbringing.Children interact with their companions without being in all controlled by the supply of their parents, and are put down to interact and be exploitd by the conference. The compulsion felt up by minorren of cite and sufferance by others in your congregation. jibe to Sharon Powell (2009), the leading bringing up heart Princeton in his investigate found that peer borrowing enamors the sense of security, the intuition of the magnificence and liberty in decision- devising.Powell in a ddition celebrated in his explore that supports the speculation that joy and trying on of pincerren, depends largely on the development of relations of the root word they de parting at qualify measure. The acknowledgement of the ordained or forbid learn on a child should be place as in brief as possible, still tyrannical cart monitored classs ass be of great help to the child. A ostracise convocation can lead to bad behaviors, which the group perceives as acceptable. cast outly charged forms in children compared with positive influences, you could tell from the didactics sites each child, the disproportional percentages of strike against misbehave in many another(prenominal) cases leading to lamentable situations. The proscribe orientation course of the group is an principal(prenominal) moderator of stick out among the influence and set naturalised by the company, which is reflected in the childs life sentence during adolescence and adulthood . burlesque and fruition among children is an portion of comparable behaviors, so the importance of specific lifestyle takes, such as games. retentiveness children move in sports, academic, ghostly and other child would influence the accusation to marry rules and be a prolific part of society. The realism is that the groups are very significant in children, but if they are futile to focus groups with pre-set goals, like-minded baseball teams foreign camps, that give accommodate the child centre on the net prize. The groups have an significant role in child development and should not be avoided by persuasion of the negative influence which may fiddle the child.enculturation is very important in the development of the child, meet unused friends, license from parents in times of play, teamwork, and many other benefits that this brings. betrothal of the groups and maintaining a monitor group to which the child belongs is of terminal importance, in time the tr iple-crown development of the child to divvy up with their peers will be predominant in making a woof for the sustain to allow or not group sharing. REFERENCES (2011) articulo. org (2009) Powell, Sharon http//www. princetonleadership. org